Curation process

FIP Wizard

Barbara Magagna


December 26, 2024

The approval of nanopublications by GFF trained experts results in the allocation of a curation badge in the FIP Wizard, previously labelled a qualification. A revision of the terminology and icon was made to facilitate improved understanding of the process.

The curation process checks how useful a resource is at making data FAIR, and makes sure it is correctly aligned with the right FSR classes based on their definition in the FIP ontology. However, it does not check how FAIR the resource is. It checks the metadata description to see if it is complete, and suggests improvements where appropriate. If a review is successful, a nanopublication is approved (using a special template16) and a curation badge is added in the wizard. This helps to avoid duplication, incomplete descriptions, and unuseful FSRs, maintaining the integrity of the FIP approach.

Thank you for your attention!