GFF Capacity Building Programme Update
GO FAIR Foundation has updated its GFF Capacity Building Programme.
We introduced a new level for qualification for those wanting to learn the content of the CBP but not interested to become facilitators or trainers themselves. They can participate in the same training units but omit the assistance time (so in total spend 60 hours instead of 80 hours) and be qualified as Implementers.
The two modules are renamed into:
Module 1:
Unit FAIR Awareness
Unit FAIR Implementation Profile
Unit M4M introduction
Three possible qualifications:
FIP Implementer (after 60 hours training and exam)
FIP Facilitator (after 40 hours training, exam and 20 hours assistance)
3PFF Faciltitor (after 60 hours training, exam and 20 hours assistance)
Module 2, only possible after completing Module 1:
Unit M4M vocabulary
Unit M4M metadata
Unit FAIR orchestration
Two possible qualifications:
M4M Implementer (after 60 hours training and exam)
3PFF Trainer (after 60 hours training, exam and 20 hours assistance)
Find here more details:
Schultes, E., & Magagna, B. (2022). The GO FAIR Foundation’s FAIR Capacity Building Programme (1.0). Zenodo.